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Suggestions for a Government Curriculum

By Heather Idoni

Added Friday, December 12, 2008

The Homeschooler's Notebook
Encouragement and Advice for Homeschool Families
Vol. 9 No 97 December 12, 2008
ISSN: 1536-2035
Copyright (c) 2008 - Heather Idoni, FamilyClassroom.net

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Notes from Heather
-- Reader Feedback: Dealing with Relatives
Helpful Tip
-- See Tonight's Full Moon!
Winning Website
-- University of Texas: SOS Math
Reader Question
-- Suggestion for Government Curriculum?
Additional Notes
-- Newsletter Archives
-- Sponsorship Information
-- Reprint Information
-- Subscriber Information

Notes from Heather

Feedback on 'Dealing with Relatives' Article

[Karen Lange received this email from a reader -- and I thought
I'd share it with everyone who needs some comaraderie in the
support department! Remember, even though you might feel like a
Lone Ranger when it comes to homeschooling, you are a part of a
greater "cloud of witnesses". You can do it! -- Heather]


"Thank you for your article on handling relatives during the
holiday season.

I have always dreaded facing our relatives during a gathering
that takes place once a year and bravely decided to attend this
year in spite of the confrontational situation that will arise.
I love home schooling so much that I want to shout it from the
hilltops, but know that I will be only attacked from family
members who are soooo defensive and insecure of their situations
with their grown children that I do not stand a chance. I loved
your advice to remain peace-filled and allow God to just stand
in our defense. I really only want our son to enjoy Christmas
traditions and the true meaning of the season, so for him to
witness combativeness at a family gathering will not be setting
the best example. I loved especially your advice on weighing
out the battles of which ones are worth fighting for. I know
I'll stand my ground on our family decision to home school, but
I know I'd be blue in the face in convincing most of my family
members who really are more caught up on athletic-driven scholar-
ships than the faith."


Do you have comments to share? Please do!
Send your emails to: mailto:heather@familyclassroom.net



Helpful Tip

Just for December 12th! - A VERY Full Moon.


See tonight's full moon and learn a bit (with your kids!) about
the elliptical orbit of the moon and why it looks bigger/smaller
at different times of the year! See the link below.

"Not all full Moons are the same. This Friday's is the biggest
and brightest full Moon of the year."



Do you have an idea, experience, or tip to share? Please write!
Send to: mailto:HN-ideas@familyclassroom.net

Winning Website

SOS Math - http://www.sosmath.com

A great site from the Math Department at The University of Texas
at El Paso set up to help students with homework, preparing for
tests and getting ready for classes. The material here uses results,
techniques and formulas from college and pre-college mathematics
in the form of easy-to-understand tutorials. All areas of high
school math are covered and the site also has practice exams,
links to other mathematics resources on the internet and mathematics
discussion groups. This is a great site for high school and college

-- Cindy, www.HomeschoolingFromTheHeart.com

Last Issue's Reader Question

"I am looking for a U.S. government/Constitution curriculum to use
with middle school and high school grades. What have you used
that has been successful in your home school?" -- Luanne in MO

Our Readers' Responses

"'Colonies to Constitution' is the first in a series of 4 titles
by The Critical Thinking Co. This is hands-down my children's
favorite approach to our country's history. The other one by TCTC
that we are getting into is 'You Decide!' - Applying the Bill of
Rights to Real Cases. I've heard nothing but good things about
this series and we can't wait to dive in after Christmas.

Both are available at http://www.brainathonemporium.com - use
code HSNOTEBOOK for free shipping. You can view/print sample
pages on the website." -- Cindy Powers, www.brainathonemporium.com


"I have found 'Under God' by William C. Hendricks and published
by Mott Media to be an excellent resource to serve as a basis for
U.S. Government and Constitution for middle school and high school
grades. It begins with a background and history of the concept
of government and the development of our republican type of govern-
ment. Several chapters cover the Constitution in detail, and
other chapters deal with state and local governments, the courts,
executive departments, elections, and other subjects related to
citizenship. Each chapter has review questions, thought questions,
word lists, and research projects. It is intended primarily for
junior high age, but it can be expanded for use with senior high
students. I have used it successfully with our own children and
also with a co-op class that I taught on Civics. There is a
'Teacher's Resource Packet' that comes with it, consisting of
tests and an answer key. It can be done either in a semester by
rushing through it or in an entire year by spreading it out."
-- Wayne S. Walker, IL


"We are using the LIFEPAC Electives Civics course from Alpha Omega
for my 10th grader. It is a one-semester course broken up into 5
units. I really like the format and content, and my son is enjoy-
ing it. It is not a simple course. It has challenged my son with
the different projects and essays, as well as thought-provoking
questions. I plan to use it again with my other 4 children."


"Luanne - I have recently been researching Ray Notgrass's history
curriculums for high school. He has American/US History, World
History, and a government course. His approach uses a well-written
spine and an additional book of source documents, and is very
reasonably priced. It is taught from a Christian worldview. We
are planning to begin the American history book in the spring, and
I'm very excited! The curriculum can be found at www.notgrass.com."
-- Anne

Answer our NEW Question

"Our sons are in 5th and 4th grade. They have both been home-
schooled from the beginning. Though they are very bright and I
am proud of their education, they claim to 'hate' school. I spend
lots of time hearing things like 'this is boring', 'I hate school',
'I don't want to do (insert subject of choice)' and so forth. We
use a variety of techniques in the different subjects (it's isn't
just bookwork), they have outside activities and I just really
want them to enjoy school SOMETIMES (or at least stop the complain-
ing and bickering). How do you make school something they look
forward to or how do you stop the complaining/bickering?" -- Rebecca


Do you have some encouragement or practical suggestions for Rebecca?

Please send your answer to: mailto:HN-answers@familyclassroom.net

Ask YOUR Question

Do you have a question you would like our readers to answer?

Send it to mailto:HN-questions@familyclassroom.net and we'll see
if we can help you out in a future issue!

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All contributed articles are printed with the author's prior
consent. It is assumed that any questions, tips or replies to
questions may be reprinted. All letters become the property of
the "Homeschooler's Notebook". [Occasionally your contribution
may have to be edited for space.]

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Next - Coloring Masterworks, Bananagrams, Story Starters!
Previous - Heading Off the Meddling Holiday Relations

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